"Self/less" Viral Clip & Images: Would You Like to Transfer Your Consciousness?
"Self/less" Viral Clip & Images: Would You Like to Transfer Your Consciousness?

Tarsem Singh made the jump from directing music videos to helming feature-length films in 2000 with The Cell, a thriller that (via science-fiction technology) tells a tale set largely inside in the mind of a serial killer, resulting in a movie full of gorgeously surreal (but messed-up) imagery. This year, Singh is returning to the sci-fi genre with Self/less: a project that will be another literal mind-trip from the director.

Self/less, as based on a script by screenwriter brothers Àlex Pastor and David Pastor (The Last Days, Out of the Dark), stars Ben Kingsley as Damian: a very wealthy man who is dying from cancer, when he attempts to prolong his life by undergoing a special medical procedure that involves transferring his consciousness into the body of a healthy, younger man (Ryan Reynolds). Of course there's a catch, as Damian begins to uncover the seedy truth about where his new body came from - not to mention, "the organization that will kill to protect its cause."

The "organization" in question is, presumably, Phoenix Biogenic: a research facility that specializes in the cutting-edge science of human consciousness transference - featuring Matthew Goode (Stoker, The Imitation Game) playing one of the company's representatives, named Albright - as is featured in the viral marketing clip that's embedded at the top of this article.

Focus Features also sent us a Self/less promo goodie bag that included a LG smart phone (inside a box with the Phoenix Biogenic logo on it) - one that contains the following viral images. The first of these images, labeled "Shedding", shows Reynolds' character in what (judging by the picture's label) is the process of having his original consciousness removed or "shed", so that Damian's consciousness can take its place.

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En cuanto al resto de estas fotografías, muestran los austeros interiores de Phoenix Biogenic; Sin embargo, es probable que estos decorados y la tecnología futurista de la película sirvan principalmente como telón de fondo brillante para la narrativa principal, algo que se lee como una premisa de drama / suspenso bastante estándar.

De hecho, la película de Singh en general tiende a ser estilo sobre sustancia, ya sean aventuras mitológicas (Inmortales) o recuentos de cuentos de hadas (Mirror Mirror); sin embargo, su película The Fall combina hermosos paisajes e imágenes con un interesante, metáfora, historia y tema. El yo / menos también podría terminar teniendo un subtexto interesante, con temas sobre personas que buscan volverse inmortales y / o la idea de que la conciencia de una persona es removible / reemplazable. Aunque ya veremos.

Self / less se estrena en cines de Estados Unidos el 31 de julio de 2015.